Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle and non-invasive holistic healing approach that focuses on the body's craniosacral system, which includes the brain, spinal cord, and surrounding membranes. This therapy is rooted in the belief that the craniosacral system's rhythmic movement reflects the overall health of the body, and by enhancing its flow, balance, and vitality, one can experience a wide range of physical and emotional benefits.
Craniosacral Therapy can help with a wide array of conditions/symptoms including:
Chronic pain
Headaches and migraines
Stress and anxiety
Emotional trauma
Sleep disturbances
Immune system support
TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) disorders
Overall well-being and relaxation
The therapist uses gentle, hands-on touch to identify areas of tension or restriction in the body as well as feeling for any restrictions or imbalances in the craniosacral system. This touch is usually extremely light and may be applied to various parts of the body, including the head, neck, spine, and sacrum. Once areas of tension are identified, the therapist employs subtle manual techniques to encourage the release of restrictions and promote balance within the craniosacral system.